Forward October 22, 1912, a goodly company of sixty-three men,born in England, Scotland, Germany, Sweden, Poland, and eleven states of the Union, differing in age from twenty-three to fifty-nine years, of good physique, representing twenty-nine differnt trades and profesions, knowing to be Master Builders, having been tried, and found faithful, assembled at the Scottish Rite Temple, East St.Louis, Illinois, to be examined by the Lords and advanced to the realm of more sunshine. This Company, with a firm step and a forward look, took it's place in the Chamber of Instruction and was conducted in the beautiful and sublime lessons of truth and justice. During an intermission, the October Class of 1912 organized and elected the following officers; James Irwin Wagner {President} Daniel Goodnight Fitzgerrell {Vice-Pre} William Theodore Bates {Sec} William Oliver Reeder {Tres} Edward Nelson Goff {Historian} The class will remember with pleasure the hours of good fellowship, the impressive degree of work, the banqueting, and the recess intervals. With jokes, and songs of mirth Fruits from all corners of the weed. With the burning of the weed. T'was the sweetest {candy} time you ever see'd. The Class, with earnest appreciation of the courtesies shown by the officers and members of Mississippi Valley Consistory, highly esteem the honor of membership in the same and vow to be stronger and kinder men, to pass on the kindness they have received, and strive to show forth the mind of the Great Builder. With this breif statement of facts, your Historian expresses a hope that the following history of the members, interspered with pearls of truth, will meet the wish of the class, and that we may ever have the spirit to spread the mantle of charity over the faults of our brethren and strive to emulate their vertues. "Behold how good and how pleasent it is for brethren to dwell togather in unity." Very respactfully submitted EDWARD NELSON GOFF Staunton,Ill
Allegiance The several bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the Valley of East St.Louis, Illinois, acknowledge the authority and yeild allegiance to the Supreme Council,33, for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose Grand Orient is at Boston,Massachusetts, and in authority-ILLUSTRIOUS BARTON SMITH, 33 Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, Toledo,Ohio
ILLUSTRIOUS AMOS PETTIBONE,33 Grand Minister of State, 27-33 North Desplains St. Chicago,Ill
ILLUSTRIOUS JAMES H CODDING,33 Grand Secretary-General, 299 Broadway, New York
ILLUSTRIOUS JAMES B MCFATRICH,33 Deputy for Illinois, 1024 Masonic Temple, Chicago,Ill
Directory 1.Willaim Keith Anderson 2.John Herman Martin Arkabauer 3.Willaim Theodore Bates 4.Benjamin Artie Blackwell 5.Louis Blumberg 6.Dallas Seth Boles 7.Henry Julius Buerki 8.Chilton Edward Byington 9.Oliver Morton Chase 10.Richard Conrad 11.Howard Spencer Curry 12.Edmond De Moulin 13.Eric Elisha De Moulin 14.Ulysses Sympson De Moulin 15.Charles Robert Dunlap 16.Jacob Fishbein 17.Daniel Goodnight Fitzgerrell 18.John Fraser 19.Gustaf Fredrickson 20.Charles Willaim Fremgen 21.Garfeild Giese 22.Edward Nelson Goff 23.Mark Lester Harris 24.Samuel Hart 25.Bohlke Heneken 26.Ernest Hindman 27.Charles Davis Horne 28.Robert Edward Jeffrey 29.Walter Harold Johnson 30.Sherman Little Kell 31.Joseph Edwin Kenney 32.Henry Harrison Kohn 33.Hewitt Hugh Lamer 34.Thomas Gillam Landers 35.Randal Lytle Lawrence 36.Ralph Lewis 37.Harry Nathaniel Liberstein 38.Benjamin Franklin Lipstadt 39.Tell Evertt McDow 40.John McMillan 41.John Maskell 42.Herbert Spencer Moore 43.William Fredrick Morrison 44.William Charles Mueller 45.Roy D Parish 46.Herbert Alexander Piper 47.Eugene Asahel Powers 48.Rudolph Frank Powers 49.William Parsell 50.Walter Ivan Reed 51.William Oliver Reeder 52.Francis Decatur Roche 53.Leo Rothschild 54.Charles Melrose Schuder 55.Dow Lloyd Settle 56.Charles Dimmitt Shumard 57.George William Thompson 58.Otto Armine Voepel 59.James Irwin Wagner 60.Lindorf Walker 61.George Raymond Wallace 62.John Wiley Webster 63.George Burrows Worden